关于「 kilt」的内容列表

Opinion: ZK proof is too complex for decentralized identity and is not conducive to government and institutional adoption

On October 24th, Ingo Rübe, CEO and co-founder of decentralized identity provider KILT Protocol, said that the highly technical nature of ZK proof makes it difficult for governments and institutions to adopt. Decentralized identifiers, such as biometric data, can be selectively shared with parties and verified on-chain using Merkle trees, making it easier, faster, and more efficient than ZK proof.

2024-10-24 05:40:29

10月24日消息,去中心化身份提供商 KILT Protocol 首席执行官兼联合创始人 Ingo Rübe 表示,ZK 证明的高度技术性使得政府和机构难以采用。其解释说,去中心化标识符(例如生物特征数据)可以有选择地与各方共享,并使用 Merkle 树在链上进行验证,比 ZK 证明更加轻松、快速和高效。

2024-10-24 05:40:29

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